It’s insane to me that they’re not charging him with treason in the documents case. There are ties to Russian intelligence as well as sale of confidential submarine plans.
If anyone thinks that the CIA and deep state is still secretly controlling the United States, picking the leaders, influencing media to present only the narrative that they want to see presented... well, now you got your answer. They're not. If they were, every single TV news show every single night would be running stories about this kind of thing, and good things Biden has done, and associates of Trump who need to be in prison who aren't yet.
The irony is that some version of that influence and control campaign actually is happening now, on behalf of other countries, on social media. Their propaganda is getting presented front and center and getting tons of traction, and the US is in the unusual position of playing catch up on the influencing-mass-opinion game.
Just in case anybody doesn't know, and really just for the fun of saying it, the reason he'd help putin is that putin most likely has a recording of trump having sex with underage russian girls... also something about getting peed on as well.
Non-"presidential" material, in any case.
To give Trump a bit of credit, I cannot see his ego being willing to suck a dick as hard as he's sucking the russian's without there being an absolute need to stoop that low. But maybe he's just a grade A POS instead of the second-rate hack he appears to be.
I recall back in the day that Dutch intelligence agencies hacked their way into cameras in the buildings of the cozy bear hackers that hacked the DNC. they shared their findings with the US and then Trump used that info publicly to try and kick the Democratic party. This in turn caused the hacks to be fixed, and the Dutch agency losing their access. There is some more detail about it that I don't recall, but I do recall the director of the Dutch agency stating they would no longer share information like this with the US as they can't be trusted with it.
Why? Cash money! The Orange Turd and Traitor is a fucking Russian FSB agent. When he was yapping about his trade war with the EU, the German police raided the Deutsche Bank HQ in Frankfurt looking for documents tracing Russian money flowing through Cyprus. Guess who received a loan from Deutsche Bank? The Orange Turd and Traitor. I'm certain Chancellor Merkel called Don, told him STFU about a trade war with the EU or the information gets released.
As Beau of the Fifth Column on YouTube says, "You have to try to commit treason in the US.". Treason is one of the few crimes enumerated in the US Constitution because the King of England was charging people with treason for literally any reason.
I think that there's been a lot of aid and comfort given to our enemies under Trump but hey shh shh shh he's running for president again! Against the guy he lost the last election too! That would be election interference!