There's an uphill battle here
There's an uphill battle here
There's an uphill battle here
The right needs to create elaborate theories of victimhood in order to even construct a punch-up joke. Is this why they prefer bullying humour, or is it why they have a persecution fetish?
Hey everyone guess what, I found something less funny than comedy theory: trying to understand unfunny people! 😀
Don't forget they have to contradict themselves at every turn. "Go woke go broke" vs "cancel culture", "the 2nd protects the 1st" vs cheering on cops beating up protesters, party of traditional family values vs supporting a dude who's divorced several times and is in court for misappropriation of campaign funds to pay off a sex worker.
is it why they have a persecution fetish?
They want to persecute others, so they assume others want to persecute them. It's always projection.
I'm left wing but this is the most auto-felating post I've ever seen.
If we don't, who will?
Comrades, partners, sex-workers? Ego is harder to stimulate than both clitoris and prostate, but it makes it all sweeter. Call 1-800-EGO-STROKERS to find a lefty source of stimulus in your area!
Also, it is the wrong usage of the meme, which is hilariously ironical.
The meme should be "basic version -> fancy version".... Instead, we got opposing points.
I guess the left really can't meme.
This is pretty cringe. Also not a meme.
But it's on a generic bad thing/good thing template????? That's comedy!
Describes maybe half the posts here
The christofascists really can't meme, can they?
All political images macros are the first one because they are a terrible method of communication
Where does "pig shitting on its own balls" image macro fall?
Trying to figure out if hexbears are right or far right.
This Daniel guy makes memes and also huffs his own farts.
I'm openly left wing but I'm not gonna pretend that the majority of lefty memes are shit like this dude
To be fair, you need a very high IQ to understand lefty memes. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of dialectical materialism most of the jokes will go over a typical user's head. There's also the intersectionalist perspective, which is deftly woven into online communities - the horniness draws directly from the old r/196, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about CAPITALISM. As a consequence people who dislike lefty memes truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the popular characterization of the bourgeoisie as friggin' piggies, which itself is a cryptic reference to 19th century propaganda. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as HappyRoadKill's genius unfolds itself on their phones' screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Karl Marx's tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the femboys' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 points of class consciousness coefficient of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Also a picture of somebody being a nuisance with a pickup with a caption about how tough they are for doing it isn't exactly what I'd qualify as a good meme.
Love the irony of calling out kneejerk assumptions... This post is effectively "Left wing people are smart. Right wing people are dumb. Upvote if you agree"
No, the post is pointing out that reinforcing existing beliefs doesn't require an explanation while giving reasons to change does. Explanations are always longer.
So, leftist memes are long and nuanced? Leftists must not hang around Lemmy and Reddit then, because by the time I see anything long and nuanced around here it's not a meme any more.
Moreover, a short, meme-length satire absolutely can challenge and give reason to change, as it draws attention to the incongruity in the reader's expectations. If course it can also be dumb, wrong, maligned or ignored.
No, I do think this post is essentially "my memes clever, your memes dumb"; and, "stop having fun at your own satire. You're all stupid and you need to know you're all stupid"; and back again, "see guys, I called them stupid. Now we can all feel relief and walk away."
Boring endnote, please stop reading...
I take to the comments again to complain that there's too much oversaturation of defending good things with dumb takes. I'm not, above, trying to defend right-wing memes; what frustrates me so often on Lemmy and Reddit is seeing good values - caring for the poor, having justice in society, treating women with respect, making policies with science not assumptions... - seeing good and important things defended often with lies, ad hominem attacks and other bad takes. If your true goal is for the 'poor' to win, then lies and tantrums make superficial logical sense, but (a) watch your necks when today's poor become tomorrow's rich and (b) do you actually care for the poor or is it "my segment of society" win? But if your true goal is for society to be good and kind and just and honest, then while you fight for justice, be just; and be honest, while you fight for honesty; and be kind to those you don't like, while you fight for people in power to be kind even to those they don't like; and choose your sources with integrity when you fight for science; and consider your own views when you fight for people to seek truth outside their echo chambers. But do you care about the people you're memeing to? Or do you really want to make yourself look good.
Both sides can have ultra cringe meme's. Both sides can have great meme's. Both sides make up meme's the other side never made to make the other side look worse.
This isn't even a meme
Can we all agree to stop using terms like political left and political right in such wide context? There are a lot of complicated issues considered to be political, and using aforementioned terms is just oversimplification. There is no need for all of this, it just helps dishonest people. There is even scientific study showing impact of labeling of different proportions es left or right.
Can we all agree to stop using terms like political left and political right
This is exactly the kind of nuance that the meme is referencing!!!
I think it's valid to talk about left and right (in addition to other labels with more detail) as long as we have a two-party system. But I also agree that the tenancy to oversimplify everything only helps the religions fascists and the capitalists that manipulate them.
Lol, the leftist memes I see look just as much kneejerk propaganda reinforcement.
More a case of,
When I look at my side's meme, it's humorous relief at the horror of the other side's madness.
When I look at the other side's meme, it's dumb echo chamber and propaganda.
When they look at their meme, they're dumb and reinforcing their dumb biases with no thought.
When they look at my meme, it challenges them to think and they don't like that.
it’s humorous relief at the horror of the other side’s madness.
Yeah... imagine the madness of us not being in league with Nazis. The horror.
Honestly people who make memes about either political side are stupid. Personally the left and right label is out-datedIMO and just hurting further evolution of society. Almost like they want us fighting over stupid memes instead of actually facing the real problem.
What is the real problem? Lizard-people?
Lol fuck I wish naw it's more complicated its us we are the fucking problem dude. More specifically politics in general is broken and doesnt work anymore maybe it used to but hasn't lately and getting worse
Edit: for the record I do believe in all that crazy alien shit but I dont blame any of humanity's failings on anyone but ourselves and as well with our ahievements are all our own. we are the masters of our own destiny no matter what the fuck is out there
Change "left" and "right" to "altruism" and "egoism" and you'll understand a little better both sides.
I do agree with you but I can't do that with the people here or I'll get even more down voted lol
Thank you ❤️
OK sure 🙄. Also, why do you care whether or not those you disagree with can meme?
The left really do more social brainwashing though
This is true, the left deploys these evil ideas like "science" to brainwash you into believing their "actual ways to improve people's lives" it's devious.
the left deploys these evil ideas like “science”
There is legitimate honest it-really-exists propaganda put out by folks to the left of John McCain. PETA is a real thing. The Sierra Club is a real thing. The ACLU is a real thing. The DSA is real.
But the deck is stacked when you assert an advocated policy needs to be some kind of cosmological truth. I don't need "science" to tell me that Trans-people deserve equitable treatment or that shooting your 11-month old dog in a gravel pit is bad or that billionaires shouldn't exist. These are decidedly political views.
What's more, when I advocate for a position, I'm not going to argue "fairly" with a bigot, a dog-murderer, or a plutocrat. I'm going to make my strongest points and my hardest digs, then leave the opposition to make its own case. Given that I'm being outspent $1M:$1, I don't feel any need to develop a case for the TERF or a South Dakota governor or the megalomaniac profiting off lead paint sales on their behalf.
You don't need to be objective. You can have an opinion and still be a good leftist. You can even make a passionate, moving case that's intended to grip people on more than a purely logical level.
Don't let the right-wing asshats scare you away from showing your humanity when you're engaging in progressive politics.
I'm sure this meme is aimed to the US but "the left" is very broad from where I'm from and I don't see any "science" in their propaganda to be honest. And improving people's lives is very subjective and have various interpretations. Let's just hear everyone from all political spectrums and vote about it shall we?
I know my damn son went to college and started liking black people just because he met some and realized that they're human. Started believing in science too!
Years of my hard work instilling traditional values, all for nothing. Goddamn leftist brainwashing.
Yeah... imagine believing the world shouldn't be run for the benefit of a small group of billionaire parasites! Oh the humanity!