It was ideas like this that convinced me heaven wasn't real when I was young.
Like, some woman's first husband dies. She eventually remarries and is happy. Later she dies and goes to heaven. Who is she with there? Husband 1 or 2? Both? Neither? The only way it makes sense to me is if people are essentially high 24/7 so nothing bothers them. But, is that really so heavenly?
people are essentially high 24/7 so nothing bothers them.
The biblical description of what you experience in heaven is exactly why I think heaven would be awful if it existed. Because it sounds basically just like that and with an absence of free will.
Now there were seven brothers among us. The first married and died, and having no offspring left his wife to his brother. So too the second and third, down to the seventh. After them all, the woman died. In the resurrection, therefore, of the seven, whose wife will she be? For they all had her.” But Jesus answered them, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. And as for the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was said to you by God: ‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not God of the dead, but of the living.”
You are supposed to feel eternal bliss but if a loved one ends up in hell, wouldn't that make you sad. So who's really in heaven? A modified version of you? That's creepy...
I remember having it explained to me in catechism (essentially catholic religious education) that they would know you're in hell and wouldn't miss you. Kind of a fucked up thing to tell a 6 year old, but what are you gonna do
if a loved one ends up in hell, wouldn’t that make you sad
This heavily discounts the existence and function of purgatory (the place you sit and wait until your flaws and frailties have eroded away). It also mistakes the ideas of heaven and hell as reward/punishment rather than proximity to God.
In theory, your closeness to others is reflected in your closeness to God. Therefore, you wouldn't lose your loved ones, because their bound to you would bring them closer to God (where you, presumably, are) and keep them from hell. By contrast, if a person you knew did go to hell, it is because they distanced themselves from God (and by extension you). Once you gain the enlightenment of the afterlife, you are able to decouple the mortal craving for companionship from the divine desire for oneness with the Creator. And then you won't feel sad, because you no longer crave that fallen individual's destructive tendencies.
This is all predicated on the notion of a magical divine understanding that only comes to you after your physical body is worm food. So, YMMV. But there's more involved doctrine that covers these kinds of problems.
Yeah, exactly. Say a your best friend is Muslim. Obviously, no Muslims are allowed in heaven. If you're incapable of sadness in heaven, then you must no longer care about your best friend. But, if you no longer care about your best friend, do you actually care about anybody?
My idea would be that in heaven you no longer would have romantic relationships or interest.You would just be together with everyone you loved and feelings of jealousy would not exist.That or everyone can create clones of each other and be with whoever they want whenever.
Heaven is a psychological state in which things go well and you feel good, and you get to that state by following your conscience consistently, and forgiving yourself for the times you screw up.
Like, some woman’s first husband dies. She eventually remarries and is happy. Later she dies and goes to heaven. Who is she with there? Husband 1 or 2? Both? Neither?
This isn't a problem for Mormons. They can have as many spouses as they want, and then when they die they get their own planet.
What about their age? Are they forever the age they died? Well, then wouldn't you like to die earlier, rather than be 80 forever? Cause that's bound to suck. Maybe we can assume all pains would be gone, but you'd still prefer to be young and handsome again wouldn't you?
If you go to heaven, you'd probably want your grandmother to be the kindly old lady you remember. Her own grandmother might want her to be the little kid she remembered bouncing on her knee. She, herself, might want to be the 20 year old who was full of energy and beautiful. Is 20-year-old you going to curl up on 20-year-old grandma's lap while she reads you a story?
The only way to really solve that is that heaven is basically being extremely high, so your "brain" is sending out happy chemicals and you don't care at all about anything else.
But, "I can't wait to get to heaven so I can be high as balls 24/7" doesn't sound as wholesome as "I can't wait to get to heaven so I can see grandma again".
So if you're not a theologian you may not be aware, but technically speaking it's you and whoever you're married to and Jesus as a union. There be no distinction on maximum number of wives or husbands.
"I swore that I would love you to the end of time!
So now I'm praying for the end of time
To hurry up and arrive
'Cause if I gotta spend another minute with you
I don't think that I can really survive
I'll never break my promise or forget my vow
But God only knows what I can do right now!"
It’s just a belief. No one knows which lifetime you are in. Only one who would know, according to the mythology, would be the assistant to the god of death.