Composition examples
Composition examples
Composition examples
Thought this was a XKCD comic and looked for the joke way too long xd
No this is LOSS
Me seeing the last frame: Is this loss?
All I can see is ASL
No, this is ∆SL. It's for ancient Egyptians trying to hook up online.
Rule of thirds was the first composition rule I learned when I began photography may years ago, and has stuck with me since.
It's pretty bulletproof.
Unless I have a damn good reason, things usually end up on the thirds lines in some way.
You and me both. I remember still to this day the roll of film I shot after learning about it. I was really young and that roll really got me into photography.
Rule of thirds, framing, and leading lines are the ones taught to me when I first took interest in photography. It's been really helpful to me, but it's really the rule of thirds really that stuck to me.
I guess cameras having those rule of thirds (or fifths) guide lines helped a lot too.
I am seeing a Debian, Arch and Slackware logos, I need help.
I only saw ASL twice. Memories of mIRC on a monochrome laptop.
This is brilliant. Saved! Will definitely be sharing this.
Rule of thirds hurts my OCD brain. But it's probably a fair enough approximation
I don't like pictures like this, they always look like wallpapers and weirdly artificial
First learn the rules, and then learn how to break them