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Any of y'all use a laundromat? How much does it cost?

I just plunked $6 in quarters into a machine to wash my clothes (edit: and another $1 for the dryer), and I feel like I'm getting ripped off.

  • Holy shit

    I’ve had my own washer/dryer since graduating college. $7 is like, almost double what it would cost me to run it every day for a month.

    Thank you capitalism iPhone innovation

  • USA here, it's like $4.50 for the smaller machines and $7.00 for the bigger machines. The $7 machines can just about fit 2 weeks laundry for two people, for the smaller machines my roommate and I have to usually do two machines. The dryer is $0.25 for every 6 minutes

  • there was a recent post about buying the key to open your laundromat's machines and get free washes, I'll see if I can find it

    EDIT: here it is

    EDIT2: the post says laundromat machines are different from the ones in rental buildings but I'm not sure I understand why?

    Also note I asked a friend of mine who owns a laundromat and he said that he doesn't have this issue, apparently laundromat machines don't usually work this way. I looked into buying one of those instead but honestly it was easier and way cheaper to just re-key the lock.