Seborrheic dermatitis. Cortisone cream to treat. I've had some luck with pyrithione zinc (active ingredient in most dandruff shampoos) soap to keep it from coming back.
Lean all in, wear an old civil war uniform (ideally Union but if you want some of that southern strange you could go Confederate) and work on your thousand mile stare. It's like peacocking!
It'll attract someone. (But I won't be held responsible for the type of someone).
If you use to have lot of flake it might be seborrheic dermatitis it's mostly give a lot of weird yellow flake but if i shave the skin under the flake look like that
I get that after having a beard and using my CPAP, I think it's pressure sores. I use some dandruff shampoo on my skin and it clears up in about a week.
I used to get something similar under my beard/mustache. I'll use a tiny bit of this shampoo periodically and it controls it quite well (assuming it's fungal). Head and Shoulders might work too.
I wish my beard grew that long, but it never wants to, I'm a little envious. You might benefit from one of those heated beard brushes that smooth out the hair. I got one but my beard refuses to grow in long enough for it to matter.