A Planetary Crisis Awaits the Next President
A Planetary Crisis Awaits the Next President

The return of Trump to the White House would be disastrous for the planet.

A Planetary Crisis Awaits the Next President
The return of Trump to the White House would be disastrous for the planet.
I reject the visualization of this piece of shit as the next President. At a minimum the art should depict both candidates.
You'd think after 2016 the media might be more alert to when they're providing free advertising for him. But I guess if it brings them clicks they didn't care then and don't care now.
The world doesn't care about who is president of whatever.
A planetary crisis is waiting for us all because not enough of us are organizing to do anything about it
A second Trump administration would most likely grant permits for fossil fuel drilling and pipelines basically anywhere it has the say-so, scrap the methane fee on oil and gas producers and dismantle new pollution limits on cars, trucks and power plants. It would almost certainly revoke California’s waiver to approve higher standards under the Clean Air Act, seek repeal of the Antiquities Act used to protect endangered landscapes and attempt to gut the Endangered Species Act.
But perhaps most ominously, a Trump presidency would impede Americans’ ability to find out what’s being done to them. Project 2025 proposes dismantling and privatizing parts of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a federal agency that studies and monitors the climate, and using an executive order to “reshape” the Global Change Research Program, apparently to muddy its assessments of the pace of climate change and the potential impact. We would walk into this new dark era with a blindfold on.
The title kind of buries the lede. A second Trump presidency will deliberately accelerate climate disaster, and that brings many other kinds of disaster in its wake. Humanity and the planet cannot afford another Trump presidency.
Imagine supporting the dude who can singlehandedly bring your entire species closer to extinction
"I'll be dead by the time it matters, and I'll just blast the A/C in my lifted F350 if I have to, so fuck you, got mine!" —Conservatives