The Bible could not have been written or divinely inspired by an omnibenevolent god.
I guess I will kick things off here:
An omnibenevolent god would never condone and regulate the enslavement of your fellow man. Therefore, the Old Testament contradicts the claim that The Bible was written or divinely inspired by an omnibenevolent god.
For that matter, let's define "the Bible." The material in the standard King James or Catholic Bible today? Or the material excised in the 325 CE Nicean Council?
Ha! Sorry friend, but they didn't determine the books of the Bible during the Nicean Council of 325 (see Bart Erhman for reference, not Dan Brown). The books of the Bible were hotly contested for many years which is why we don't have the gnostic gospels reflected in today's versions of the book. Judas, Thomas, the shepherd of Hermas, are all great fan-fics written the same time everyone was pretending to be Paul.