Having "In God We Trust" on our currency (and in some US states, in our schools) is a violation of the concept of separating church and state, and should be removed.
Not much explanation needed for this one, but I will leave an article discussing the part about schools being required to display "In God we trust"
I don't understand how we got into a position where we send tax money to privately funded and religious based schools. I get it that people want to send those kids to private school, but these schools should not be receiving federal subsidies for books, lunches, breakfasts, and whatever else the federal programs pay out for.
I hope parents sue, because it's 100% a violation of the separation clause. "In God we Trust" historically was not secular in any sense, it was a specific overreaction to communist atheism in the 1950s. It should have never been added to our money, it should not be the national motto as it is not at all secular and this display requirement is absurd and unnecessary.