Feeder for small birds
Feeder for small birds
Made from sticks, wire and a plastic lid from a box of liquorice.
Feeder for small birds
Made from sticks, wire and a plastic lid from a box of liquorice.
If you're small
And on a search
I've got a feeder for you to perch on
(I like birds - EELS)
Oh wow, thank you, i did not know that song.
I like it.
This looks like the kind of feeder a small bird would build for itself, and I mean that in the best way. I love it
Haha, yeah i love it too. It took a while until other birds than blue tits started using it, i think they were a bit confused by the diagonal sticks. But they came around in the end and it's awesome to see them hopping around on it.
I also have made another feeder, also for small birds although there are some goofy bigger birds who acrobatic enough to get some snacks:
Bit more of a readymade though.
It's interesting how so many birds only have one eye. 😂.