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What film did you watch when you were too young, and how did it traumatize you?

Jurassic Park for me. I had an amazing JP jumper when I was like...maybe 6. It was far too big for me but I loved dinosaurs. Naturally this meant I wanted to watch the film because...well I'm 6 and it's got dinosaurs.

Ultimately I ended up watching it with my Mum and Dad. We got as far as the iconic T-Rex chase scene and I told them to turn it off. Didn't go near the film for another few years.

I've now got my own 6 year old. There's no scenario I could envisage where I even consider letting her watch a film as gory, tense and frightening as JP.

  • It's only a mild trauma, but I couldn't sleep after Spy Kids and Monsters, Inc and was especially scared of the Robot Kids appearing in the dark for a few years.

    I think this is due to me being too young to be able to catch the plot twists in the end. So those movies to me ended with no changes and the bad guys still doing well.

  • Rising Sun, it opens with the violent rape and murder of a woman, it was rated R for a reason and we should have never been let into the theater even if it was my friends dad with us.

    I think he wanted to see it and did not give a shit about what it might do to us.

  • The doll in Trilogy of Terror. I don't remember how it traumatized me, which is probably a good thing.

  • Threads. We were shown it at school, about 12 or 13, told we should see it because it might happen. Didn't sleep a full night after that until 2005.

  • Late one night when I was 8 or 9, I glanced at the tv and caught the horse scene from The Cell with zero context. I spent the next fifteen years convinced it was something I had dreamed. Apparently this is the most common way people encounter this movie.

  • The opening scene for Terminator 2: Judgement Day. I already had a deep seated fear of spontaneous combustion, so watching that didn't help in the slightest.

  • Watched beastmaster, purely because I had seen my Mum and older siblings watching it, and it looked pretty harmless at first glance, something like He-Man which I liked at the time.

    I asked a bunch but was always told no, so one day I snuck down in the middle of the night to watch it, needless to say, it was not like He-Man.

  • I was way little, like maybe 5, when the first Jumanji came out. We saw it in theater: the moving plants and giant mosquitos scared the absolute fuck out of me.

    Parents had to take me out of the showing, and snuck me into Toy Story instead - much better! :D

  • By the time I was 13, I'd watched loads of 18s. Aliens, Predator, Terminator and more. My parents didn't really believe in rating. I honestly don't think it harmed me. My teachers probably worried about me bring this stuff into school, but unless that traumatized other kids, it's fine. Maybe it desensitized me?

    For my own kids, I judge it by the kid and movie, not the rating. If it's a movie I don't know, I'm read about it and rating is one of the things I'll look at. I will a read more if it is an 18. My 14y and 9y are pretty resistant, but my 12y is sensitive like my spouse.

  • I watched Jurassic Park when I was like 6 and absolutely loved it. Little Nemo Adventures in Slumber land however absolutely terrified me at about the same age.

  • Definitely should not have watched Beverly Hills Cop. The nonstop swearing and stupid ‘banana in the tailpipe’ type pranks were not good influences.