bOtH SiDeS!!1!
bOtH SiDeS!!1!
bOtH SiDeS!!1!
You get one. I suspect you're arguing in bad faith and I'm not going to waste more time on something like that.
Particularly sailingbythelee's response. When you try to say this isn't sufficient, it will confirm that you were arguing in bad faith the entire time.
You could not have found a better example.
Original position of the goalposts:
No one is shouting down people for just saying Biden should stop supporting genocide.
Now all of a sudden the downvotes are the most important part
Oh the commenter who's being downvoted? Yeah, it's obviously not a prevalent or popular response. At best you're complaining about trolls on the internet -- that's always going to exist.
Oh, and before I forget, if you say that's not what you're doing, then it will confirm you were arguing in bad faith the entire time.
That's for teaching me that cool trick with that disclaimer -- what a neat way to discredit people.
Oh the commenter who’s being downvoted?
Look at those goalposts move.
So you were literally just pointing out that dumb people say dumb things and get down voted for it?
Gee, how insightful.
And now you're lying about what I said.
And now you're lying about what I said.