Am I lucky for once in my life or is Dante a really eazy grind?
I just got half of Dante and ~130 pity points in one run then finished off the pps on a single C rotation. So with less than an hour of work I've got the new frame under construction.
I agree however I have noticed that Disruption is a very tile-dependand gamemode, or at least use to be (I think they've made QoL changes to it with Dante).
Disruption of the Kuva Fortress is a PITA.
The demolisher necramechs not disabling abilities like the normal disruption enemies made it so painless, as a Valkyr main who needs to stay in hysteria forever. Plus the game mode is so fast anyway, versus any of the game modes that basically force you into sitting on your butt for 5 minutes at a time. I got my Dante crafting and both weapons already picked up, though I guess at some point I should go back for more capillaries so I can get the captura scenes for sale too.
It took me less than an hour as well. I did the Steel Path version, and got one main Dante bp and more than enough pity points to buy the rest. In fact, I got pretty far into building all of the new stuff. I bought the hand cannon bp and two or three of the pieces of the melee as well. It's really quite painless, comparatively.
Yep, it's been really painless! I even got all other weapons after a few hours of grinding (onos and ruvox). As a thanks to DE I then spent 50 plat to rush the foundry which I usually never do😁
How difficult are netracells? I haven't tried them yet but I keep meaning to. On a scale of "easy" to "find a four man and everyone has to sweat" where's it at?
I ground out enough Focus for Unbinding all Way-Bound Operator/Drifter abilities via killing Thrax in the Zariman. I've got a decent little supply of them off doing it. :)
Your experience is the complete opposite of mine. I farmed out the pity points for both weapons, and 2 copies of dante before I had a set of dante bps dropped.