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First full Halloween for us! (Plus an update from yesterday)

Well I've posted a few things about my family here, I don't really have a place to post elsewhere. My step son is special needs, and as a result has been developing at a slower pace than other children. This means that he's been pretty much completely uninterested in candy until this year. We'd go trick or treating because he enjoys walking around, but he never actually did anything with the candy. He was walking around just to say hi to the neighbors. But this year, he'll actually get to enjoy the candy collecting because he cares about it this year!

Also, an update to my mutual aid post yesterday. We got the drug tests covered for court, and realized he didn't have a Halloween costume. We went to the store and got him a costume from an anime he likes for $15. We wanted to make sure he didn't feel left out. We have two happy boys ready for Halloween this year, we really appreciate the help. He's adjusting really well so far.