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  • Barnyard. My daughter and I used to go see EVERY kids movie when she was between 5 and 12 yrs. Let me tell you, I have learned to enjoy some shitastic movies. Then came Barnyard. 30 minutes in, it was so bad, I leaned over to my (then 6 years old) daughter and said "Sweetie, do you like this movie?" She looked at me with the most serious face and just said "No".

  • I didn't walk out of the Avatar movie, but most people did. Halfway through someone opened the door to the theater and yelled in, "avatar sucks!" Normally I'd be a bit put out by such a disturbance, but in this case it was actually the most enjoyable and funniest part of the movie. (Last Airbender just in case)

  • Weirdly enough the movies I've been to with the most audible walk-outs were all good films:



    Schindler's list

    I think two of them just got too much for people and the other one had them worried they'd wind up on a list.

  • I just scrolled through 200+ comments and did not see Cloverfield. I really can't say anything about the storyline itself as this was one I physically could not sit through. In addition to others who ended their suffering before us, I and 2 family members all experienced severe motion sickness within the first half hour and had to walk out. Didn't think it was worth throwing up over.

  • Dude, Where's My Car? - I don't remember a thing about it (and would likely not hate it today) but I just remember being so.. exhausted at the comedy used. I looked at my friend and asked if they'd be open to leaving and they were like "oh yes, let's leave JFC"

  • Saw Pulp Fiction in a theater off post near Fort Sill, people kept getting up and walking out esp. when Marvin got shot in the face. I think the theater was 2/3rds full at the start and there were maybe a dozen of us left at the end.

    People in Oklahomey weren't ready for QT lol

  • For me it was the Assassin's Creed movie... Imo, that movie even makes Eragon look like a fucking Oscar winner

  • I literally fell asleep and started snoring during "At Eternity's Gate", the one where the Willem Dafoe looking up meme is taken from. It was so boring... My girlfriend poked me in the ribs and I woke up to people around me laughing at me.

  • Robocop. When the bad guys kills Murphy a lot of people walked out the theater. Was enough for them. I keep watching the movie, I was 13-14 at the time, and quite enjoying the film. Animatronics was nice back then and the plot, where a guy die working and someone bring him back to keep working, was ok.

  • I left halfway through An American Werewolf in Paris. London was a friggin classic. Paris was poorly acted, treated the audience like idiots, and was campy as hell (and not in a good way).

  • Some people walked out of that Dragonball live action movie, but I stayed because I was enjoying my rage.

  • I was at one too. but it wasnt cause the movie was terrible, it was cause the projectionist was.. Movie was horribly out of focus, and about 7 feet too far to the left, and down too low that you could only see the top half of the film.

    Tiny little shithole theatre refused refunds for it, too. It comes as no shock that it was bulldozed a few years later.

  • I stayed as well as most of the audience but when I sat for Kill Bill, at least 10 people got up and walked out when O-Ren Ishii took the head off Tanaka.