Wait. This is unappealing to you guys? I'll take the goth mommy then.
big tiddy goth mommy dommy, fuck yes.
its unappealing when i want notes and not sex. sometimes i just wanna hangout and not bone it doesnt mean youre not attractive its just midnight im really high and I want to sleep.
this is a hypothetical about my ex and i
Hang out and.....not.....bone?
I can see why they're your ex
It's fun for a's kind of where "don't stick your dick in crazy" came from.
I envy you if this is your version of 'crazy'
It's weird and unappealing if this just comes out of the blue when you ask for notes (and you're not into her)
I too would let myself get pegged daily in return for a goth mommy.
This is what kids call goth now?
Goth used to be all Satan and death and sometimes kittens.
Is it all kittens now?
Goth is now just what the E-Girls with black lipstick call themselves. Gone are the days of Bauhaus, true Goth is with Bela Lugosi now.
Same happened to punk, just 20yr ago. And it'll happen to your subgenre!
Nah, real goths are still around. We still listen to all the classics, and most of those genres are still alive and have newer albums. Some of the newish (or thriving) goth genres are: minimal synth, witch house, neofolk, dark jazz, dark trap, deathstep, electropunk/synth punk. We're just lurking in the shadows, which is kinda an obvious place for us to be when you think about it 😉
I mean, can be both.
There's an insta model who's full Goth/Satan to the point of having a Leviathan Cross on her insanely large fake tits and I had to at least shrug that she's doing the full "Goth Bimbo" aesthetic... Like, full Satan Worship and evening full on committing sins of Lust and Pride at the same time.
Duel welding Sin.
This just makes me want to. That's the start of a great conversation
Sage: "bark for heals!"
At least she's interesting.
hold up spork
Go away Katie
Ahh yes, very interesting.
You guys don't know what you're missing.
Asks for notes
Receives notes and fetish shit
I'll be glad to miss out lol
A 32MB .docx file? What is in it?
Images? And if so, of what?
I'd like to see those images too o.o
Pics of her in halloween sexy cat costume obviously. (Lingery and cat eats and a butt plug tail)
Anthro, did the title and the purring not make that obvious?
Am I the only one thinking this is fake because its a 32MB file?
Email usually caps out at 25MB...
Its not 1980 anymore.
Not in gmail
25MB is "the" limit because gmail is basically the email provider.
If you send an attachment above 25 it makes it a gdrive link
the title is just meowwww
Are the straights alright?
Idk that could just as easily be lez
Honey, my middle and high school years were spent among bi and gay furry girls that would talk like this all the time but also they would scratch and hiss at each other.
Like there aren't any non hetero goth mommies