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Like surely you must have acquired a clue by now.

  • Being born into a conservative household can be a hard hurdle to clear. I grew up with the unquestioning belief that the left was straight-up evil (shocker: that was projection) but then moved around a ton and worked alongside a huge diversity of people after highschool cuz I joined the military and didn't have a choice: that exposure was a real shock, but since our brains don't like being wrong, I resisted it for a good while before finally acknowledging that I was acting like a moron and started thinking more critically about politics and what political decisions meant for my community.

    Not everyone gets that healthy slap-to-their-senses. Doesn't excuse shit, but that's the 'why'.


    It'd be interesting to see some actual political metrics on other service members. The military is always seen as being SOLID red, and while yes it does lean that way, the tiny bubble of the military that was my personal field of view seemed maybe a 60-40 split; and I personally went in red, and separated borderline radical blue. I know at least a handful of others who did the same... no idea if it's always been that way, or if this is a developing trend. Or if I happened to be stationed in an uncharacteristically blue slice of military. /shrug.

  • Clowns arguing about politics like they're both not only slightly different pieces of shit

    • conformists gotta conform. But i must say that culture is a big part of actual quality of life. I say that dutch culture has definetly played a part in our "prosperity". That you do you man vibe, combined with a general backtone of don't be flexin because last time 70 people died from a flood caused by negligence. But it is also a culture that can be taken advantage of easily. It is easier to believe it can't be that bad and they all have good intentions than, your life you will only contribute to the hellscape should you try to sustain yourself. If you are a beggar, where is your revolution? If you are ceo, why are there all these beggars? If you are phd student, when are you turning 30? Have you got the balls to change the world? You a pensioner? Is the world your grandkids are born in satisfactory? In prison servin life4real? Mad respect for finding this, but even you can find honour in your life still. Jesus forgives is fucking true, i don't go that way technically cuz christianity is kinda gay. but how you feel about your life is how you will live it. After you dead there may-be nothing, but here there are the constant thoughts in your own head, and one should think about them sometimes, besides, you probably think you are smarter than joe rogan. Tilting to you coment: "i think that most people think that"-me 'i dont matter BUT the fact that we all vote, does change the world a littlebit, "atleast it is not guy x". During this forgetting they are literally the world. In 2 ways even, everything is fake, you are your thoughts,and you are the voters, together we are America.
      Sad as it is culture is the problem. Look all these qoutes are sorta teue and sorta not true. The answer lay in yourself. Be the change you wanna see, sometimes to help oneself, one must help another, worry only about what you can change yourself. They are sometimes contradicting, that is because they mean nothing, you assign meaning. In assigning of meaning we should start thinking about meaning. podcasts make it feel like you thought about something, but you didn't, if the video made you lie awake, good job, you probably did think about it, one video down. I don't discredit, you can actually learn very much info in short span, but the meaning of this info is not yet assigned, embeddings much? so yes everyone should only worry about what they can change. Yes you can change the world. No you can't do everything. Yes you can do anything. If everyone helped each other to help themselves i wouldn't be having this ted the change you wanna see. The answer lay in yourself but also just be in the moment, shoutout to my neigbour lol. To conclude nothing has ever had true meaning, we are just pretending to have all the answers all along. homie you are my world. roadhouse.