So...ok, I'm missing something, then. How does the population get energy into the system, then? They don't photosynthesize, somebody has to eat SOMEthing at SOME point, or they won't have any energy at all for.....activities.
The caterpillar stage. Wikipedia says that's 6-7 weeks long.
Become alive. Eat until I literally dissolve into goo. Become alive again. Fuck. Die.
Energy is from fat stores created while a caterpillar.
I hear they gather the energy during the caterpillar stage.
I googled it. They have energy stored from when they were caterpillars.
Man, caterpillar heaven looks pretty rad.
Think I killed one of these in Dark Souls
Got a cool magic spear from it, too
\ 🦋 /
What happens if we put them on IV? How long will they last? Will they go full Mr. Meeseeks? What are you doing over there, scientist?! We need answers!
They will just mate nonstop
His name is Buck
Mrw butterflies don't have toes
Some people made this a lifestyle
Also see: mayfly
Has anyone bothered to ask if it has other interests?
A lot of insects live for years as their "larval" or nymph form and then come out into the more recognizable "adult form" just to mate and die. In a lot of ways their larval form is their actual form with their adult lifestage being just a flash in the pan to continue the species.
You sure "years" isn't a stretch? Non-rhetorical, I thought it was months at best.
Cicadas can stay underground for up to 17 years for example and dragon fly larva live 2 years just to come out of the water and grow wings for a few months.
Also getting combined with glowshrooms for invisibility potions
Pretty normal lifestyle for many lifeforms.
Hey look it's me, not eating because depressed but also doing the very healthy thing of engaging in too many dating apps to find sex...
pretty much all moths, right?
if they don't eat, where do they get the energy to create offspring?
Good question, it all actually comes from the great predecessor moth who imbued its children with the energy needed to carry on for generations. This singular imbuement of life has carried them for the last four thousand years, and it is unknown when it will run out. When that time comes, the Luna moth will be no more.
The larvae is where they do nothing but eat and grow and eat some more. Then they turn into flying sex organs.
Stored from being a larvae i guess.
same tbh
Who would win? A beautiful drawing my ex made, or one sullen, AI-generated spiky boi?
I wish the quality of this pic weren't so awful