Someone at c/ didn't appreciate my sense of humor
Someone at c/ didn't appreciate my sense of humor
Someone at c/ didn't appreciate my sense of humor
The mod seems to be having a day :’(
Its Star Trek heaven, where you’re literally forced to kneel and sing the praises of your Lord Trek for eternity or be banished. is a cult
Edit: awww :’(
This exact type of shit started the chain of events that got me banned from r/startrek. I'm glad Lemmy makes it easier to escape this bullshit.
"Be constructive" is a purposefully nebulous rule he can use to remove anything he doesn't like
Well, now, they have enshrined forever in the mod logs, a record of their abuse, the URL to the images that prove it, and an invitation to come here. They have been foisted on their own petard, haha!!
Holy shit removing those top two in particular is absolutely inexcusable. They are constructive. They're quite detailed and respectful in their criticism.
We've got this community, but someone needs to make a generic Star Trek and a Daystrom community outside of that instance now.
Be the change you see in the world!
Edit: ! exists as a sister community to this one, btw!
I just posted this comment on the same post on that sub. I wonder how long it will take for the Mod to remove it is a cult
That's giving too much credit to the website and Value Subtracted. It's more like an afterschool church group that had too much sugar.
Dude is 85 different levels of pathetic but rising to the level of cult leader? He'd have to have intelligence and charisma for that. Intelligence? Well he can repeat things others have said so at least parrot level intelligence but charisma? Lol
This is where everyone went. The Trek content on my feed had seemingly dwindled down to nothing recently!
Also, as someone who’s already been brutalized by Abrams, those Treks will be skipped as I continue this journey.
Welcome to the judgement-free zone, where we have fun and don’t live in constant fear of mod overlords!
You’re allowed to have opinions here. The one big rule is that you’re just not allowed to be a dick. Have fun!
You’re allowed to have opinions here
Stamets is incredibly boring. It's like the writers came up with "let's have a guy who's gay and crazy" in their initial outline and forgot to fill in the rest of his personality. Idk what Culber even saw in him. Representation needs substance or it's just pandering.
The other Stamets is amazing and one of the most important people on lemmy.
These are the only communities you need:
The communities on are so dead now I feel kind of bad.
Excuse me, but I cannot live without !
Wow, I saw that comment, thought it was hilarious. Good thing this community exists.
At least they weren’t so petty as to erase the following conversation, which, if I may say so myself, was reasonably substantial.
To paraphrase the great holo-novelist Tom Paris, "It's the mod's private community, you're just living in it."
Fediverse, more like Fiefdomverse, amiright?
I'd hate to see it with the safety's off
Any suggestions on a different instance to move to? Preferably something smaller. I switched from world to this one because of outages during the Rexxit or whatever the hell it was called.
Well, that was almost 9 months ago. Things have stabilized now. is fine. I like There are plenty of others if those aren’t to your taste ¯(ツ)_/¯
I recently moved to due to the admins/mods at
If you want something smaller try or
You can come to