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Do you use the swipe to type feature on your phone?

Is this how most people type on mobile these days, drawing lines all over a keyboard instead of tapping the individual keys? I've never had an iPhone so I don't even know if they can do this natively, but I know you can switch keyboards at least, so it should still be an option if not.

  • At first I never used it, always thought typing with two fingers was the fastest (and actually got me the result I wanted).

    Nowadays I swipe 99% of the time on my Android phone and it is a lot faster. Especially when your phone learns the words you like to use. It's not perfect of course and you will have to correct some words down the line (it still sometimes refuses to swipe "Fuck"), but overall I'm faster with it.

    Also super comfy for long and complex words when you just roughly swipe it and get the full word written there without errors.

    Overall though I prefer to touch type on a proper keyboard on the PC, that's still the fastest :)

  • It often doesn't work well for very short words, or uncommon words and whenever I have to stop swiping to tap out individual words I feel like a time traveler being forced to use pre-historic tools.

  • Absolutely. Been doing that since my first Nexus phone. Without it, I find the mobile keyboard extremely unwieldy.

  • I was an early adopter of T9 typing on my Nokia back in the day. When I finally got a smartphone, I found a keyboard app that had T9 as an option and used that. When Swype first came out, I couldn't believe that another typing system could actually beat the speed and ease of T9 typing.

    I've always preferred to type in full words and sentences, and I'm a good speller, so most of the reasons other people don't like swipe typing don't apply to me.

  • Almost always. I never really got the hang of tapping -- I don't write all that often on my phone, so I don't have the accuracy down. Swyping lets me use my general knowledge of the keyboard to make up for my poor accuracy.

  • Constantly! Probably like 30%-40% of my typing is one-handed by swiping.

  • Nope, typing this with buttons on a virtual keyboard right now! I mainly use a desktop for most of the day, so I just prefer using the same system on mobile too.

  • I started out using the Swype app back before it was a common feature. It works well for me and I've been using it ever since. The learning curve is not steep and it speeds up my typing back at least a factor of two.