Big Lebowski Fact: Jesus wears rings from the American Bowling Congress that certify his ability to roll a perfect 300 game, a 299 game, and an 800 series.
Is more funny after you watch it more than once. Walter put everyone in only two categories. Dependable or not. And if you were in the second category, you likely were a pervert or had some other derogatory trait. No way to know if he just spreading rumors or latched onto one.
Its either a ring pointing out your bad luck to not pick up that last pin, or it shows a maniac who was willing to throw away a perfect 300 just to get a very specific bowling ring.
Both sound like something a ring would be good for.
But you don't know if he really is a pervert or just the opinion of Walter? With Walters opinion of everyone, it is hard to know.
If you did not know either, Walter pulls out a gun which from an outside view makes him possibly far worse than Jesus. He certainly was an angry guy of which Lebowski uncharacteristically points out during the ashes scene.
Great build of characters. Good show that I think is underrated but similar quirky characters, Homegrown with John Lithgow.