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  • Now this. THIS is an interview. A lot of fun ideas, stealing props, and just good natured nonsense.

  • Nothing will kill my enjoyment of a show faster than the seemingly inevitable and obligatory musical episode. I pray it just stops at one since that’s probably my only hope.

    • SNW has been an excellent show that I've greatly enjoyed, but each season has had one episode that stands out as being incredibly sub par.

      In season one, it was that weird fantasy one that felt like an attempt at doing a holodeck episode without the holodeck.

      In season two, it was the musical episode.

      • You just named 2 of my favorite episodes. Clearly they just weren't for you? The fantasy one did a fantastic job showcasing a father's love for his daughter and the musical episode was both funny and moved the characters forward a lot... I don't see how either of these could possibly be bad things but ig to each his own.