This isn't even being taught in schools
This isn't even being taught in schools
This isn't even being taught in schools
I've never met anyone who complains about critical race theory who can explain what critical race theory is.
Down with CRT! Flat-screen is the future! No more pointing electron guns at children!
I can't believe you libruls want to take my God-given right to a NES Zapper away 😤
Yeah! Fuck melee players!
Interestingly there were some CRTs with flat screens compared to the typical curved ones. Used to have this absolute monster 57 inch widescreen one that weighed like 160 pounds
They all literally do what they are told to do by their network news handlers.
I hate all the fuss about CRT… it’s just history, and the concepts are pretty simple.
If your great grandparents were slaves, practically or literally, then your grandparents were likely very poor. Those grandparents weren’t allowed to get a good education or a good job, which means your parents likely grew up in poverty. This means you are far less likely to have inherited any wealth, and thus the cycle of poverty, drugs, incarceration, etc. continues.
It always gets me that full blown slavery in the US was not very long ago at all, and very little changed for black people during the 100 years between the end of the civil war and the beginning of the civil rights movement.
Of course this is just one facet of CRT, but I just don’t understand why right wing white people are afraid of reality. The first step in addressing an issue is acknowledging the existence of the issue. Is it just white guilt or are they just racists?
To be blunt, even this isn't CRT.
CRT is more generally "for the longest time, non-white people have been excluded from civic participation which has led to laws and structures that implicitly benefit white people".
That is, it's a concept about political and legal power in the US.
And what's more disturbing is what the right ACTUALLY means by CRT. They are mad about civil rights AND the historical facts about racism BEING TAUGHT AT ALL. Literally "we don't want kids taught that slavery and segregation existed and/or that it was morally wrong".
I think correctly defining CRT somewhat misses the more disturbing problem of "wait, what DO you mean by CRT".
Living with privilege is a lot more comfortable if you pretend you don't have it. There's an ancient Greek virtue, Aidos, which is the knowledge when you're richer than the people around you that you don't really deserve it, and the shame and humility that result from that knowledge. None of those feelings are pleasant; easier to pretend that the world is fair and you earned everything you have.
Pretty much anyone criticizing crt hasn't read even the wiki article about it.
They are in fact just racists.
Oh no the terrors of checks notes teaching kids about the reality they live in
How do you mean?
A reality in which the thread of racism has been so pervasive throughout our history that we can find its downstream effects in surprising ways. A reality in which - and I'm dead serious about this - we can clearly trace the path from prehistoric mineral deposits, to slavery, to congressional districts. A reality in which the implementation of fundamental institutions can be shown to work in favor of white people. A reality where it took until Google decided to do something about before we began to redesign cameras so they produced equally good photographs of black people as they do white people.
I could go on but I hope you get the picture
"We are. We're going to learn about how racist people use coded language to reinforce racism. They made up this bullshit when schools started actually teaching about slavery instead of god damn military general positions and battles in the civil war"
We should rebrand critical race theory as "race realism" which is something awful that chuds are in favor of but that we don't actually want children to be indoctrinated with.
So we usurp the place it would have come to occupy in their minds, and whenever any of the chuds try to tell them about it they will argue against it with facts, figures, and evidence.
The white people divided division so much that people can't see it anymore.
Those kids seem a bit young for legal theory.