Maybe you guys should have thought this through.
Maybe you guys should have thought this through.
Maybe you guys should have thought this through.
Also, since the majority of fertilizations don’t result in a viable pregnancy or birth, Alabama’s child mortality rate is about to go through the roof. I’m going off of memory here, but I think that there’s only about a 50% chance of a successful implantation and after that there’s an additional 25% chance of miscarriage. And because those figures correlate with things like income, education, and nutrition - I think you see where I’m going.
I actually was looking it up today because I remembered that little factoid that miscarriages are more common than we think.
The problem is that it is impossible to get accurate data because it happens so early that most women don't know at all that they were technically pregnant at all. If anyone wants to research it more the term is chemical pregnancy. It is called that because once the sperm implants in an egg, the body starts producing the hormone that pregnancy tests look for. This means you can have a positive test without successful implantation. We probably really only know it exists because of women trying rigorously to get pregnant, as the symptoms of this type of miscarriage can easily be chalked up to a heavy period.
Basically any percentage is an estimation based on that data. But just another drop in the bucket of facts against their feelings, an embryo is not a person.
🌠the more you know🌠
When we’re doing medical monitoring of someone, we are pretty sure of what we’re looking at, just to be clear. There are definitive hormonal changes that can be observed as well as other symptoms, as you mention. It’s done particularly for people who are trying to get pregnant, and we extrapolate to the population scale using statistical analysis methods (adjusting for demographics and such).
And just to clarify, I’m not calling a failure to implant a miscarriage. I’m mixing it in with actual miscarriages in order to show that it’s ridiculous and that the “life begins at fertilization” crowd are as scientifically nonsensical as flat earthers. I am intentionally mixing them together, but wanted to be clear on that point.
…Alabama’s child mortality rate is about to go through the roof.
Looks like Alabama’s about to become some murderous fucking bastards who need to be imprisoned.
"Uninsured Woman Denied Medical Care After Miscarriage, Charged with "Fetal Manslaughter" - More at 11
What about child tax credits? Car pool lanes?
They already started on the car pool question in Texas:
Already got the tax credit in GA
So if I have embryos that I am paying to keep frozen can I deduct them as dependent children on my Alabama state taxes?