>be Filthy Frank
>gradually develop legitimate performing career
>scrub the internet of old shitposts as best as possible
>become Joji
>eventually people forget about Frank
>gain increasing fame and fortune
>performing one night in packed coliseum
>crowd is losing their minds to see Joji sing
>come out on stage in pinkguy costume
>stage is decorated to look like Frank's old apartment
>start performing all the hits from the Filthy Frank days
>"I eat ass", "Finna bust a nut", "Peanut butter on my balls, let the dog lick it", all the hits
>joined on stage by the old crew
>audience is in tears of shock and sadness
>turns out Joji was just the setup for the ultimate trolling of normies
>he got 'em one last time
The Harlem Shake has been around since the 1980s (originally called the Albee after the creator Al B). To credit this degenerate with it is an insult to hip-hop and popular culture.
Yeah, even the meme was around (though obviously in different forms). Honestly, this just makes me sad tbh bc it reinforces how invisible non-white non-internet culture is for most white people. We were memeing/harlem shaking for decades, yet most kids today attribute it to this racist degenerate.
Hey, no, not the same Harlem shake. I agree with your sentiment on all other fronts, but in this case: this producer stole the name of the dance and used it as the name of his song, and then Joji made this stupid meme.