Greenbow Alamamy shit...
Greenbow Alamamy shit...
Greenbow Alamamy shit...
Oh shit I used to throw children at children
I used to throw children in the water and watch them drown .
You monster!
The real question: were you throwing rocks at children or children at rocks?
Psalms 137:9 My favorite bible verse VERY relavant
Or shredd children into dust then make buildings and street with them.
Can someone spare some content for a fellow living under big children ? I'll give you two children for it.
Probably referencing this court ruling.
What tge fuck US laws sucks so much its unable to calculate how much.
I'm OOTL. I live someplace where women's rights aren't returning to the middle ages. You Americans sure know how to get things jingled up. First a copper mistakes an acorn for an assault on his thin blue life, now some poor bloke has to pay child support for a stone he's not the biological father off? (That's what I make of this anyway)
My shower drain looking like a concentration camp
I'm going to cum in my toilet, a cumsock, a tissue or generally anywhere besides a vagina every day for the rest of my life. Fuck these fascists.
Breaking up with your girlfriend is now a capital crime in Alabammy because it kills your potential future children
Somebody with more time than I needs to remake this meme with a picture of a tank of compressed hydrogen.
they will never take my sperm... freedommmmm
Umm, akshully, that rock is unfertilized.
I can tell you it has been fertilised
I had a rock once that thought it was fertilized, but it wasn't truly. That was a very gloomy prom.
You have no idea how hard I had to stop myself from posting a photo of conjoined twins as a response.
The name's Semen, Semen Fellatio. But what has a lump of chalk got to do with anything?