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How do people look at American society and think "this is something to aspire to be fully involved in"?

I'm at wit's end. I'm three months into a job search like the 30-month one I went through starting four years ago, and things proceed apace. I've gotten zero interviews despite 20 years of experience, and even finding things I think I could stand is a fucking tall ask.

I've always been of the mindset that if you have a good product, shockingly little marketing is required. And that investing in the product is going to have a far larger ROI than blowing money on trying to convince people your product is better than it is. Just fucking, you know, make it better.

Which is what I've always done. Whether it's a redesign or significantly better editing than the audience is used to, or infographics for stories that no one is going to comprehend from text analysis. Or, process improvement that makes employees lives better even though it may challenge the necessity of salaried positions.

I cannot and will not subscribe to this notion that lying to people for pay is an ethical career. During my one stint in marketing, I got to the point of feeling physically ill that I was making the best money in my life to write saccharine copy about products we internally mocked our customers for buying.

I honestly don't know how I can find a job that makes life worth living at this point, which is less than ideal when ideation is always on the menu (I last got out of a psych ward in late January, and all they had to offer is "you need to stop wanting what you want."). I don't understand why I would want to be alive to be able to pay off debt accrued because society has already discarded me as useless.

I swear to fucking god, I cannot handle being told again that I'm wrong to have the ethics and goals in life that I do. If these do not align with the positions advertised, then the logical choice is simply removing myself from this clusterfuck.

I have provable results from things I've done that did align, so why does saving companies six and seven figures several times by teaching myself what I needed to to accomplish my goals over the course of my career make me a bad hire? I've rarely worked for competent managers, so I'm generally needed to actually get improvements done. I don't care about my title, and I've topped out at $48K, so it's not like I'm looking for $150K ... but I don't like selling myself through insipid, meaningless prose just because it's what others want to hear.

What is the point of even being alive when everyone is telling me I'm wrong to want to accomplish things that improve the lives of people other than shareholders? They sure as fuck don't need the money. I do, but I don't count because I've not already rolled over and begged to suck at the teat of immoral people who care nothing for the rest of the world, let alone the people without whom they'd have no product in the first place.

  • The corruption and income inequality, in this country, disgusts me.

    Thank you for being an active (i.e. moderator) part of the Beehaw project. It means a lot to me considering what you are going through.

    When I was going through the toughest part of my life (I'll spare everyone the details), a friend of mine said to me: "This too shall pass". At the time, I felt like their statement was trite and dismissive.

    Once I made it out into the other side of that shit, I realized that this was one of the best things that was said to me.

    What you are going through is temporary. You will overcome this. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.

  • I cannot and will not subscribe to this notion that lying to people for pay is an ethical career. During my one stint in marketing, I got to the point of feeling physically ill that I was making the best money in my life to write saccharine copy about products we internally mocked our customers for buying

    I hope this helps more than it hurts to hear, but there is no such thing as an ethical career. Capitalism always finds a way to usurp any meaningfully good gesture and corrupt it with a profit motive.

    I work as a provider at a children's hospital, and I get to do a lot of good. But I also get to tell people that I can't help them, and not because I physically can't, but because they don't have the coverage. I am responsible for putting already economically disenfranchised families in even more debt, because Dad worked too hard and made too much money to qualify for Medicaid. The system makes us complicit.

    I honestly don't know how I can find a job that makes life worth living at this point

    I don't think anyone's job should be the only reason they get up in the morning. Even if you had the best job in the world....a job isn't a substitution for a life.

    but I don't like selling myself through insipid, meaningless prose just because it's what others want to hear.

    Ethics are subjective, and you have a right to stick to your own. However, I don't think you should feel guilty or bad about guilding your resume. Most. HR managers have no idea what they're asking for and as I said, no job is really ethical.

    If my work knew about all the free healthcare I gave out, they would have some ethical complaints. And I have some ethical complaints for them pertaining to the price of healthcare. So as a compromise I give out as much free healthcare as I can get away with, and they don't ask too many questions. Sometimes a decent compromise is the best we can do as individuals in this country.

  • I don't like selling myself through insipid, meaningless prose just because it's what others want to hear.

    I have much less work and job search experience than you but I can tell you what I learned from a year of searching for junior level work where I wanted:

    There are two levels of recruitment, the first one are recruiters and HR people. Having experience and industry connections can allow you to bypass or shorten the amount of time you need to deal with these people (sometimes companies force every applicant to go through this because of policy), but most of them aren't interested in what you do or what you think of this job. They want to hear how you check the boxes that are placed in front of them. This is where you have to just make it as easy as possible to get through it, have prepared stories w/ embellishments, a fake nice attitude and reasons why you will lick company boot until it's polished (in a nice and not-sarcastic way). You highlight what you found interesting about the job/company and what they can get out of it. If you're starting without connections then it's the numbers game where you throw forward applications everywhere and hope something bites to even get to here. The whole thing feels so fake and full of deception and useless work to promote yourself and I hate it.

    The second level is the people you're actually going to work with, around or under. There you still have to be positive, but you can be more genuine, they'd actually know what the job actually is, how they honestly feel about things, you can talk about things that actually matter to people working there rather than corporate overlords/shareholders (but don't explictly give reasons against that).

    You'll be judged on both your character and whether you are as much as you said you were on your application.

    Here is where you show off, or just give straight what you've done, what you can give and what you expect in return. This is where you ultimately decide whether you want this job assuming they didn't wear you out with the first level.

    Yeah I expect I will have enough good reputation to move up as I get experience, but the whole process is full of bullshit and I can count on it not going away entirely. It's like you're on a treadmill where the goal is to sell yourself but crap is being thrown at your face every hour. As unwinnable as it might feel, you've only lost if you give up.

    To add, as for why people willingly go through this in America (and Canada and elsewhere) is because there isn't really an alternative unless you are freelancing/self-employed, you work somewhere they take anyone with at least half a brain and two good legs, or you have a rich uncle who has a "job" for you whether you are smart and experienced or not.

  • welcome to the other side. this shit is just a stupid game. stop playing it. live on less. stop being a consumer. invest in real estate and become as self sufficient as possible. the best way to tell the world to fuck off is to stop playing the game.

    • I already told the real-property world to fuck off by buying a van and living in it. The problem is the extant debt.

      • Don't stress over debt to a faceless entity. Stress causes your body to age double time. Does that payment of double time lower you interest rate? Cut into your balance? No? Then stop spending currency they aren't taking.

        Imo if they have no face, they're just make believe anyway. I could care about credit, but I don't think credit will still be around in 7 years, not in any way that would be meaningful to me at least.

        I did what both y'all did. I got some undeveloped and bought a van. I buy tools and equipment used and fix it when it breaks. Or if I need or want something else, I make it myself.

        I want a tattoo (one of the easier things one could want actually)? I make a tattoo gun, collect some lampblack and mix it into tincture and get going. If you don't know how to do any of that, you are aware of what you are holding in your hands, right?

        Buying off Craigslist or marketplace means I pay as little to tax as humanly possible. Starve the beast. Grow your own food. You CAN still grow some spice walls and put em up behind yr windows. Fucking herbs cost a pretty penny. Do all the repairs on your van yourself. The learning is the point, not some resale value (which, if you've learnt well on good enough would prob increase). Self reliance today is rebellion. Independence in punk rock. Gardening is punk rock.

        Besides stealth camping that van, you can always park on BLM land or off the side of the road in a national forest, just so you know you have that option. I've found stealth camping is easier street parking suburbia then attempting a business lot. You know your town so you make that call urself. But if the sheriff ges real harrass-y, just haul yr ass-y to Sherwood.

        Life adrift in a van is an acquired skill all its own, and let me tell those of ya that don't know, those vanlife influencers on YouTube and tiktok? Yea almost all of them come from money. They've never known a day of actual financial distress in their lives. They can't. If you're able to make a call and get help from family, you don't know life on the outs. Pretending like they built their van off their wage as an orderly is so shameful, we all essentially have a free pot shot to their chin. "Slumming" with the poors for credibility. It's fucking stolen valor, is what it is. They should try stealing some valor in the military, see what that gets em.

        It's impossible for a wealthy person to make quality art. Impossible. They are no longer relatable, and no matter how much Tay Tay or Selena might act "Normal", they aren't. They have teams if people who make their decisions for them. Decisions that are focused grouped on how relatable they are. Gross.

        Keep on keeping on, my fellows, and for whatever it's worth, their definition of a good life doesn't leave them fulfilled, wise or happy, so what good does holding ourselves to their, basically lazy, measure do us?

        Fuck em.

  • I'm going to come at this from my own ethical and moral framework, and try to explain myself well enough to allow you to either agree or clearly see where we disagree.

    I've always been of the mindset that if you have a good product, shockingly little marketing is required.

    Marketing creates value in an ethical way when it helps match supply to demand, and reduces search friction for mutually beneficial transactions. Those mutually beneficial transactions distribute resources in a way that increases the overall utility in a society.

    Thus, ethical marketing is still useful in an economy or specific markets where searching is difficult or costly. Plenty of useful products languish on the vine, and need consumer discovery in order to succeed.

    As an example, some of my favorite restaurants I've ever eaten at have been forced to throw away food when there has been insufficient dining volume to use all those ingredients. Sometimes it's happened enough that the restaurant fails as a business. And restaurants as an industry are terrible with getting their product known to the public. So there's probably some benefit there in the act of marketing, advertising, and sales for those restaurants.

    If you have your own ethical guideposts on which industries produce products that suffer from that problem (good product that
    insufficient people know about, where producers are struggling), maybe focusing in on those fields/industries could be productive.

  • I want to help you, but first I want to know do you need more to vent or do you want practical solutions?

    I'm happy to give you either.


    • The latter is really my goal. I'm not one to be content to sit and bitch, but sometimes, so much piles up that it's either that or another trip to the ward.

      • Powderhorn ( ) OP

        Ok, so I get that marketing is kinda totally evil and causes moral injury. Have you looked into:

        • UX
        • Product design
        • Editorial Design
        • Environmental design
        • Illustration
        • non-profit, educational, public sector\government

        I realize that the market is shit right now, but use all your advantages to get what you need.

        After looking for a really long time (3yr) but only halfheartedly, I landed a job last august. One of the biggest things that helped were really luck (which you can enhance through repetition and effort) and some cleverness.

        Using GPT to assist with organizing and formatting my resume, as well as crafting cover letters, proved to be highly effective for me. Theoretically, this approach is ideal for navigating the applicant tracking systems that employers use, enhancing your chances of getting hired. GPT excels at incorporating relevant buzzwords and operates as an "average-ifying engine." When it comes to resumes and cover letters, this capability is invaluable, as it optimizes your documents to align closely with what hiring algorithms and recruiters typically look for.

        also, I used GPT to make the garbage I wrote in that previous paragraph more readable (full disclosure)

        Also, it can, as I did up there, act as an editor, speeding up your process SIGNIFICANTLY. If you have to apply to 100 jobs, I think some shortcuts are in order.

        I hope this helps. Feel free to DM me of you need someone to bounce ideas off of :) I promise I won't just dump your message into GPT and use it to respond to you.

        As for the ward... I have a lot more experience with that than I'd prefer. It's good to stay out, but make sure you have enough support. I've learned that just putting everything you don't want to think about on a shelf in the back of your mind is... poison.

        Take care, Random Internet Friend

  • It’s extremely difficult to have ethics while being involved in a capitalist system which is inherently unethical. Genuinely giving a damn and putting people ahead of profits is seen as a liability.

    I’m sorry I don’t have any advice to give.