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Gamers nexus on LTT

Pretty damning review.

  • And Linus/LTT will have excuses over excuses instead of sincerely apologizing and actually trying to get better.

    Doesn't matter for me, I've stopped watching them years ago. Their extremely clickbait titles make it hard to search for anything anyways.

  • Although good points were made, as I've been following this. I think its also suspicious GN is rather new with their ethics pages etc and it seems like it was a planned attack.

    LTT does do corrections, but also GN alone has had 3+ in 2023 errors. Now account for the absolute size difference...

    • I don’t think the size difference works in the favour of lmg.

      If gamers nexus puts out pretty much industry leading day one reviews out on every launch with 5-6 people and LMG with labs and 100+ employees can’t then there’s something wrong.

      GN has a point LMG shits out videos without QC and it’s starting to bite them of late. The water block review is the perfect example of just being stupid. Why not just test the item with the right product and judge it for what it is as opposed to turning it into a joke review where no matter what the product is going to look bad.

      The short circuit thing with the mouse is also a bit ridiculous.

      But the charts are the main thing, I’ve noticed it myself over the years that lmg charts made no sense relative to gamers nexus or HUb or even jayz 2 cents which meant something was wrong with the testing.

    • Why would it be suspicious? Thats just like writing a user manual based off of what you see users do.

      • Only because of how recently they have implemented the ethics and fails pages on their website and in the video they don't really make it clear like "We realized how important it is and recently implemented a system to make our failures as public as possible a few months ago.". Just looks bad and makes me think it was planned, maybe not and like I said good points were made by GN. Skimming over the size difference between LTT and GN and how GN still got 3+ errors listed? I haven't done the numbers on the failure percentage but I don't feel it would be horrible.