I love my country rule
I love my country rule
I love my country rule
I pledge allegiance to the flag
Ohhh this is what the thin blue line flag is supposed to be. They just have the rest of the colors missing.
that flag has done more for me than any other real country flag tbh
What's wrong babe? You've barely touched your trans pretzels.
Quit trying to shove your agenda down my throat! I'll have some when no one else is looking...
Man of culture I see
You will never be a real pretzel
these would go great with the bisexual space oreos
Snacks for the Queer picnic
Kinda off topic, but I'd honestly distrust any product with "freshness guaranteed" on it more than one without. It's like they're trying to compensate for something. Everyone knows that they're going to do the absolute bare minimum they have to do to "guarantee" that freshness, so it's not really a guarantee. Unless they back it up with a great return policy of course.
Yes, Walmart has the most lax return policy ever, especially with food. Like no questions asked unless you're obviously abusing the policy. If you buy any food item and it turns out not fresh enough for your standards, you can just take it to the return area and they'll tell you to go get another while they do the work on your receipt.
This can be extrapolated further to get the "Walmart lifetime warranty" on anything they sell whether you bought it there or not.
Works with amazon too. Even if something is legitimately still under warranty and it breaks, it's usually far less hassle just to buy another and return the broke one for a refund.
Trans National Anthem Intensifies
Which leads to the question, what would the Trans National Anthem be?