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Everyone I've talked to about joining Mastodon/Lemmy/The Fediverse

yeah but if you join, and your friends join, and they're friends, you know what nevermind

[Edit] holy shit people I get it, people like it small, take it easy it's just a meme, don't need to keep commenting and DMing

145 评论
  • Watching this whole thing go down has made me realize that regardless of what people say, it's not about the number of people, the quality of the experience, or anything like that.

    A lot of people actually want to be surrounded by "brands" and "influencers". Some people even get a kick out of "hate following" people who they don't like, which blows my mind.

    That's why Threads feels so right to them. Threads has been designed for one thing, and one thing only: connecting companies to customers, often via influencers and eventually through traditional advertising.

    • Yup, there's a reason all of the corporate brands immediately jumped over there, and most celebrities.

      The only reason I'd want to federate with threads would be for celebrities I follow, but even then I'm not sure if I'll federate my instance with it. Definitely not creating a threads account by any means.

      • This. I don't want to be on someone else's "team" because I like to form my own opinions. I don't want other people telling me how to manage my own head.

    • I think it is the bother of building up a new following before you get your fix of likes and other narcissistic stuff like that

  • The truck is not to tell them all the complicated shit. Just tell them it's another social media site that you browse. Don't need to tell them about the fediverse. Don't need to tell them it's independent. All that stuff is like a Naruto headband is to girls.

    They'll discover all that stuff afterwards.

    • There is also an argument that there isn't even a need to advertise it... in fact some of the most popular things come from people "discovering it" themselves... and even then, some would argue they hope less people discover it yo keep their small town communities.

  • Everyone is still using corporate shit because everyone is still using corporate shit

    Be the change

  • Lots of my friends are going absolutely nuts trying to get into Bluesky asap because a bunch of big queer/left voices went there and they want to get in "before too many people join and it starts to enshittify". It's hard to compete with people that a lot of others want to follow dictating the direction with their influence. I must admit, so far my Mastodon feed is not all that interesting. Lemmy does entertain me, though.

  • This is the ”insurmountable” challenge of almost every tech platform from Google to Reddit to Twitter and so on, the competitive advantage is the user base. So without a notable performance advantage (like Google usurping Yahoo) or tangible user experience benefit (Facebook replacing MySpace), these platforms will remain the dominant player in their niche.

    Good news is the shitification of tech has really presented some opportunities in some of the niches. Obviously we’re all aware of reddit’s recent actions, Twitter is trying its best to fail, Facebook went the cable TV route and made itself uncool, and Insta keeps flirting with real bad ideas.

    Fediverse might not be the answer, but there hasnt been a better time for viable alternatives in a very long while.

    • If Lemmy isn't the answer then I'm not sure what hope we have. This seems like a perfect storm and I doubt there will be a better alternative coming any time soon.

      One of my concerns is that we are running out of people who remember the pre-corporate internet at this rate. This platform has a gaping hole of Gen Z users as far as I can tell. Many of them never experienced the internet when it was cool, so they don't have any particular dissatisfaction with the curated dopamine drip feed it has been turned into.

      It just feels like this is the moment to revive that original dream of the internet for a new generation. Let's make it happen here so we can take credit for it 😅

  • I might be a weirdo here but I enjoy both kinds of social media mainstream social media is cool because all your friends and family are there and you can fellow famous people but the fediverse is fun because of all the fun nerds and weirdos activists and people whose massage would be squashed anywhere else

  • IMO, the fact that those people aren't here is the best part of the fediverse.

  • I tend to have a really bad mindset where I avoid places with little to no activity because I worry about giving the owner false hope. If nobody else shows up, I think that my presence might hinder their progress by preventing them from making necessary changes.

    I need to get over it cos it's obviously wrong but keeps on my mind

  • Maybe what people think of as popular in their physical world is different than the popular that they think about in their abstract thoughts: "I'm going to be popular" or "I'm going to write a book" type thoughts.

    Both things are different so no reconciliation is possible.

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