Not exactly. The government in starship troopers is nationalistic, but not fascist; it's a liberal limited meritocratic democracy, people still have power but only those that earn the power (somewhat like the Roman Republic but that's a whole other story filled with socii and quasi-autonomy).
Hey it's that or customers, I always wanted the trolley job. Only got to do it once when the usual guy was sick. Didn't have to talk to a soul, could use my iPod. The day went so much faster.
The thing is, you still have to have someone collect them even when they're in their proper spot you just don't have parking spaces that could have had a car them filled with a shopping trolley, or trolleys rolling off and hitting parked cars. You also make that trolley guy's day better by not making them have to pull the trolleys from places they aren't supposed to be.
I used to work at a supermarket and agree that the trolley collection was by far the best job but I still hate those motherfuckers that leave their trolley just anywhere especially in otherwise valid parking spots.
Greatly depends on the time of day, and the environment.
Cool breeze and an off hours so things are quiet and still? Yeah that's not a bad way to spend 15-45 minutes.
Middle of the summer when it's 85F (30C) outside or middle of a downpour freezing water? Not so great. And don't even get me started on blizzard conditions or people shoving carts up onto the grass cause the extra 20 steps to the cart corral was just too much.
shopping cart logic also applies to buying fairtrade coffee or chocolate or clothes, no one will force you to be a good person and you gain jackshit from it as a lone operator.
The shopping cart one is better because it's literally just barely more time / effort. Fair trade stuff can be expensive compared to their counterpart. People in rougher financial situations really can't make that choice every time.