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  • I'll try to keep it relatively simple - your cells contain chromosomes that contain your genes. You usually have two sets of every chromosome.

    These genes come in different variations/mutant forms called alleles. Most alleles function more or less the same, but some malfunctions result in deformities.

    If a malfunctioning allele results in errant gene inactivation, it is known as recessive, which means as long as your other copy works, you're all good.

    If a malfunctioning allele results in an errant gene activation, it is known as dominant, which means if you have the allele you get the deformity regardless of if your other copy works or not.

    Fortunately for life, most malfunctioning alleles are recessive, so as long as you've got high genetic variance (a lot of alleles) in a population, the chance of two people meeting with the same recessive malfunction is low.

    Incest can result in a drastic decrease in genetic variation, which can result in malfunctioning alleles becoming much more prevalent than they usually would be, resulting in many more cases of recessive deformities than in the wider population.

    For males this is not true of their sex chromosomes. Many genes present on the X chromosome are missing on the Y chromosome, which can lead to sex exclusive traits and diseases.

    For example, it is the reason why there are almost no calico/tri-colour male cats, as the genes for it are in X but not Y chromosomes.

  • Many families have recessive fucked alleles that cause all kinds of problems. An allele is a variant of a gene. You need two copies of a recessive allele for that gene to be expressed (do something).

    Every fucked allele the parents share has a 25% chance of being expressed in the child. The more DNA the parents share the more fucked alleles they share. Usually… sometimes the opposite happens and the number of bad alleles is reduced in the child. Inbreeding can lead to fucked animals and “perfect” ones. Weird stuff.

    Now you might be thinking “why do families have so many fucked alleles?”

    That’s a good question. The thing about carrying a single recessive, fucked allele is that it doesn’t do anything to you. Mutations happen all the time and so these alleles are floating around and multiplying constantly.

    It’s only a problem on the odd chance that they get expressed which is most often when family members produce offspring.

    So it’s worth noting that this is the type of thing that we can check for these days. In some cultures it’s acceptable to marry a cousin and I’ve heard that they check for any genetic issues before proceeding when they live in a first world country.

  • Resistive genes play a huge part, plus any transcription errors the are passed down don’t have a chance to get skipped with inbreeding

    I manage a small closed queen breeding program and we have to try very hard to keep as much variation as possible

  • Every person gets their genes from their mom and dad, however certain traits (defects, if you will), are present in everyone. Thats why we have mental illness and birth defects. However, you isolate a gene pool, and those bad traits get more and more focused. For example, their is a family known as the Blue Fugates who have been doing incest since the 19th century, and now the family has a blood defects that makes their skin blue.