Will someone work on a new duck update! I want giant ducks man
Will someone work on a new duck update! I want giant ducks man
Will someone work on a new duck update! I want giant ducks man
I'd prefer proportional emoji. Either the duck should be barely visible or the car should be most of the message.
🐜 🌍 ☀️
The duck is not bigger it's just closer.
It's an Australian duck.
So uhm how do i unread that
Maybe that is a toy car? Or giant inflatable duck? I refuse to accept constraints to reality.
Duck update? !outside@lemmy.world is leaking again, isn't it?
There is nothing there to leak (i wish there were🥲).
Why you say nun but not use the nun emoji 🧕🏻
Would you rather fight one car sized duck or 1000 duck sized cars
Car sized duck. My shins can't take a thousand metallic boxes attacking em. Atleast I can kill the duck (I'm sorry ducky)
Iunno, mayne, I had ducks. Them fuckers are brutal when they find a frog, fish, et cetera. I don't wanna be gobbled up. But if I'm fighting duck sized cars I can just stand at the top of some stairs or go into a tall building.
I have seen a duck boat (in Stockholm, Sweden were I live) as big as a car but sadly I have no image of it