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Actual Discussion - A place to talk like people Actual Discussion -

Are you tired of going into controversial threads and having people not discuss things, circlejerking, or using emotional responses in place of logic? Us too. Welcome to Actual Discussion! DO: - Be civil. This does not mean you shouldn’t challenge people, just don’t be a dick about it. - Upvote inte...

Actual Discussion -

#What do you want to talk about?

We're brand new, but I hope you'll have a word or two. Looking for mods who can write and love discussing a variety of topics!

  • That's gonna be political in a matter of seconds lmao

    • It doesn’t have to be apolitical- it’s how about the discussion is conducted and not immediately thinking a person who disagrees with you is evil incarnate. Very tough to moderate though, and requires participants to really be behind the ethos, I guess

      • Yeah, it may be hard to set the tone at first without alienating anyone. I'm hoping that I'm up for it.

    • I'm okay with political and encourage it as long as people have sound reasoning to back it up.

      I've changed my mind on many political topics after a good discussion!