Wizards of the Coast confirms it is not selling the d&d IP to tencent
Wizards of the Coast confirms it is not selling the d&d IP to tencent
Wizards of the Coast confirms it is not selling the d&d IP to tencent
These confirmations are worth the paper they're printed on. In the business world. We're not doing it. Has a very implicit for now attached to the end. Who can say what the future holds. They're not committing to never doing it.
I'd say it at least quashes the rumour that's it's currently happening behind closed doors.
This promise may mean nothing legally but I think it's meant to say "you're all getting swept away in a wrong rumour, stop it".
Makes sense to me. Why would Hasbro sell the only part of their company making any money? It would be corporate suicide.
@sirblastalot @eerongal Well, why would they reduce staff from the one part of the company that's really working? Corps gotta corp? Or something.
I'm not familiar with the layoffs you're alluding to, but the general trend everywhere was that everyone started up lots of speculative projects using borrowed funds when interest rates were low...if you can borrow money at 1% interest, you only need to make a 1% profit to break even. Then when interest rates go up and you suddenly need to be making a 7% return, you suddenly have a lot of projects that are losing money which then get cut.
Are you sure? There are about 500 posts about it despite all of them having a top rated comment saying how it isn't true.