True Detective Season 4
True Detective Season 4
Let's see if these threads have any future
True Detective Season 4
Let's see if these threads have any future
I see a lot of of people really hate this season. I'm sticking to it just because I really want to know what happened lol. Besides, it's just 6 episodes so it's already close to ending. What's worrying is they haven't really gone far with 3 episodes in, so I think we're in for a very rushed ending. But to be fair, if you think of the series as an event where everything happens in 1 week and there's a logical explanation for everything, I think it kinda works for a one-time isolated incident; compared to previous seasons where events span years.
If you had to rank this one compared to the 3 others, where would it be?
Oh that's gonna be hard, specifically because I don't remember much about S3 and we're yet to see how S4 plays out. Obviously S1 is the best no question. I'll probably say S4 is at the same level as S2, and might get bumped to last if it ends badly. I say the same in the sense that if you remove the True Detective label and treat it as a stand-alone show, it's not actually bad. S1 just really messed up perceptions and expectations of the other seasons.
Just watched ep 2 last night and my SO and I have decided not to continue. It is a combination of the plot seeming very contrived and - the kiss of death - 'I don't care about these people'. Nothing has so far hooked me to any of the characters.
Season 1 was great, of course, and there was a lot of hype around the start of this season, but it has not translated into actual sustained interest for my SO or for me.