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  • "The apocalypse is well on its way," Cave wrote. "This song sucks."

    so, he's pissed off because an AI-generated song... sucks?

    good artists will keep creating good art; lazy ones will create more and more worthless artificial art; smart ones will be able to offload some of their work to these helpers. The world will carry on.

    • Good artists will keep creating good art; record labels will keep pushing increasingly cheap and braindead bullshit strangling any hope of actual innovation made by anyone who needs to make a living to survive.

      Human culture gradually grows into an easily consumed, regenerative cheeseburger-like mess. A billion near identical five second snippets of unprovocative entertainment that satisfies nobody but the shareholders, but feeds endless masses of consumerist dopamine slaves until they slowly die of boredom without ever having thought an independent thought in their life.

      And the world, indeed, carries on.

      • the worst part is that by this description AI is not really changing things. It seems to me the industry was always headed that way and AI is maybe speeding it up if anything at all.

        These are rarely "AI problems".

  • I'm not nearly as passionate in my attitude toward generative AI, because I think it CAN in theory be used in productive ways, but I ultimately agree with him more than I disagree.

    I think if we were not living under such comodified circumstances, it wouldn't be much of a problem, But since we do, I think he's completely correct that it's a corrosive development in a world in which art has always been in a tug of war between people who enjoy making and consuming it and people who see it purely as a means of enriching themselves.