This AI generated ad on the front page of a newspaper. Can you find what is wrong with it?
This AI generated ad on the front page of a newspaper. Can you find what is wrong with it?
This AI generated ad on the front page of a newspaper. Can you find what is wrong with it?
It’s always the hands
Whatcha talkin about? Our Lizard Overlords all have 6 fingers!
The first thing I check out in AI generated images is the hands. The hands in this ad are nightmare fuel. I can't believe they still wrnt ahead and published this, lol.
Well, maybe the image is real and it's just people from Bhopal
Funny how AI can’t figure out hands or how people eat spaghetti.
To be fair a lot of people don't know how to eat spaghetti either.
I don't have insta
Those awful hands aside... has anyone seen that shirt! The buttons suddenly stop and middle split just disappears past the waist 😳
that’s So fashion.
It got confused by the glitter thingy which ended up being placed right over that line, so it stopped continuing the line. The ML models literally have an object permanence memory problem, except defined over geometric patterns instead of over time.
it doesn't know how arms work
Next to fine arts college
Hopefully, this isn't their handiwork...
I see what you did there...
Crazy bastard swinging a detached arm around
Eh, 'e's mostly 'armless.
The buttons of that white shirt go almost all the way down. Sort of like a polo shirt, but with 10x more buttons.
I didn’t even notice, but yes!
owie, is that guy on the left okay? looks like he dislocated his shoulder
And the arms in this case.
Whoever owns that raised forearm top left must have constant trouble grazing their knuckles on the ground.
Besides all the arm and hand comments, I noticed the center guy doesn't have buttons that run all the way down. I'm not sure if this is accurate clothing or not. It just seemed unusual.
Nice catch! I missed that one.
cost cutting at its finest.
cost cutting at its finest.
For a "Fine Arts College" too. Couldn't they have let some students do it?
Although ... Maybe they were worried about the consequences of rejecting a painting.
The shadows are wrong too. The people at the front seem to have a strong light source from their left (but not all angles are correct); the ones at the back, from ahead of them.
Three of the four arms sticking upwards don't look like they're attached to anybody. The one on the far left, that one is obviously attached to the guy there, but whose hand is he holding? That lady next to him? The arm is twisted around. And the two arms on the right side, they look disembodied, like they are props in a group photo. Weird.
Maybe they're from Bhopal
People running to pay inflated prices to buy more things at inflated prices
Does anyone know how well AI does feet? I'm beginning to think Rob Liefeld is part AI.
Should have used controlNet...
AI art is just orientalism but for carbon-based life forms
whats orientalism
A 19th century artistic movement in which western painters which sought to depict scenes from the East by mashing together various completely different cultures and environments they had seen in other paintings of the supposed East. The landscapes, architecture, clothing, animals, equipment, and practices depicted in Orientalist art could be taken from North Africa, Syria, Turkey, India, and China all at once, ultimately depicting nothing but an imagined aesthetic.
finally, sapienserie
Two watches, one on each wrist.
Oh, I didn't notice that.
Soo lazy.
That writing looks so odd, I'm guessing it's supposed to be a Southeast Asian language like Laotian? Or maybe it's the Georgian script but much more f***ed up.
Good find. Thanks
what is funny about indians?🤣