D&D Playtest Survey Results | Player's Handbook | Unearthed Arcana
D&D Playtest Survey Results | Player's Handbook | Unearthed Arcana
Discussion with crawford concerning the playtest feedback from the most recent playtest
- Everything scored really well (in the 80s for most things, monk was the highest rated, most features in the 90s, might be considered "most improved class")
- revised version of the healing spells scored high
- Tasha's summoning spells will be imported into the PHB
- 2014 conjuration/summoning spells rework scored really well and will be kept
- They are deep in internal development for the upcoming PHB
- May is not the release date as was purported before
- "We will still be working on the PHB in may"
- Dwarf art from pax is not the cover for the PHB. That's from the fighter section
- This was the last unearthed arcana for the upcoming revisions
- New encounter building rules are going through a lot of rework and playtesting
- Revised DMG will have a significantly streamlined encounter building system