TIL that Ben and Jerry's has a graveyard for discontinued ice cream flavors.
TIL that Ben and Jerry's has a graveyard for discontinued ice cream flavors.
TIL that Ben and Jerry's has a graveyard for discontinued ice cream flavors.
Most delicious graveyard ever!
I mean, it's not a very competitive category, but still.
What crime against humanity did their Moo-phoria line commit for it to be wiped entirely from their website? I enjoyed it but it seemed to just drop off the face of the planet sometime during the pandemic.
I have a couple years-long discontinued flavors I still miss to this day. After looking at the site just now, one of them (Makin' Whoopie Pie) is in a couple buried references of trivia questions they've asked, and the other (Maple Blonde Brownie) is entirely absent. I wonder why they aren't listed in the "graveyard".
White Russian was so damn good