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Has anyone used n8n and Node Red and could compare them?

I use HomeAssistant automations for all my home stuff, it has an official easy to add Node Red integration available. I played with it a little in the past but didn’t really see any value for me at the time. Now I’m looking to set up a new automation tool that’s not necessarily hardware/home type stuff, moreso the kind of thing you might use IFTTT for, but I want to self host. so for example scraping a webpage, extracting the content of an article, sending to an AI API for summary, then outputting as RSS. I was thinking about setting up n8n, but I wanted to see if maybe the HA Node Red would be just as good (I think it’s a fork right?). That way I don’t need to set up a new VM or anything plus it’ll be already integrated into my backups and proxy etc as part of HA.

So has anyone used both and could compare?

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