My safe word will be "Hwhisky"
My safe word will be "Hwhisky"
My safe word will be "Hwhisky"
Always loved the bit of trivia of Sam Kirk's only appearance in the Original Series was after he died ... and the image they show of him is the actor William Shatner with a moustache
Was the only TOS image I could find of him, that explains it!
We're taking our time watching The Original Series and I just saw this episode last week ... I was excited to go through the episode expecting to see who the actor would be and see and hear the original Sam Kirk ... then they just mention he dies, show the body being rolled over, it's William Shatner with a moustache for 4 seconds and then that's it, Sam Kirk just appears for that 4 seconds as a dead person. We were very disappointed but at the time, I guess, no one expected any of it to go beyond what they were creating at that moment.
Ha! I just saw the ep for the first time and missed that completely. Thanks! Thank you, Sam Kirk. Your stache, the lighting and makeup were very effective. RIP
Why would Sam call his brother by their shared last name.
I am not a smart man
Lol it's ok we all understood what you meant.
I really like Sam. I hope he gets more screen time in the next season.
Yeah I hope he survives this timeline