Koltar, when he drowned in the swamp
Koltar, when he drowned in the swamp
Koltar, when he drowned in the swamp
T-800, his thumb held high
Me, when the tear fell.
T-1000 flailing like a bitch
"The arm left by the previous T-800 caused this mess and I noticed he's missing an arm. Should I find it and toss that in, too? Nah, I'm sure it will be fine."
And that's why the shitty sequels happened.
My wife likes TNG and Lower Decks, I'm still easing her in to DS9 and Voy.
The other day I showed her a picture of Picard wearing a yellow uniform, and she said "he's wearing the wrong uniform. He's command, not engineering." before I could even ask her what was wrong with the Pic.
I immediately yelled "YOU'RE FINALLY A NERD!" And shot a text to the family text group and our friend group to share the good news, everyone had a good chuckle, and she just goes "YOU MADE ME THIS WAY! Not that I'm complaining...."
I have successfully made a convert. And yesterday she actually asked to watch more Voy before she even got home from work.
when she corrects you and says the uniform is "gold" and the division is "operations," you'll know she's a super nerd!
Well, at some point Starfleet swapped colors. See Kirk and Scotty from TOS.
or the DS9 episode Trials and Tribble-ations where they actually comment on this.
She hasn't seen TOS, but does know the "red shirt" meme.
Personally I think TNG has the best color scheme, but I'm biased since it's my favorite
He also wears blue during the episode where Q makes him not a captain when he prevents his younger self from getting in the bar fight with the Naussicans
After watching the bit in We'll Always Have Tom Paris, I can't read Voy without hearing it in Mariner's voice
This is the best one of these I've seen. Maybe just because T2JD is a fantastic film
It holds up really well, considering how old it is. You'd think the effects would look dated, but they're still as cool as the day they came out.
Sarah: "The unknown future rolls toward us. I face it for the first time with a sense of hope, because if a machine, a Terminator, can learn the value of human life, maybe we can too."
Narrator: "We couldn't."
I don't have the faintest about what that means, but I feel this is a really good meme format!
I the Star Trek The Next Generation episode "Darmok and Jalad" we encounter the Tamarians, and they speak in metaphors.
This is one metaphor that appears a couple times in the episode.
The T-1000 in panel 3 can assume anyone’s form but does not gain their memories so Arnold asks it a question that the real mom would know about star trek 🤡
T-800 and T-1000 at Kaiser Steel plant
Sarah Connor, her whereabouts unknown!
His eyes are open!