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Do you have franchise fatigue? Or is there still a franchise that you enjoy seeing?

Just thought about it with the latest announcement about a new Jurassic Park release.

The first one is a masterpiece, the sequels are debatable.

What do you think about this trend in the industry to juice the maximum out of every movie?

  • In general, I don’t really have a fatigue for franchises. Though I’m growing more sensitive to the sorts of milking decisions studios etc will make to make money off of the franchise … and relatedly have a bit of a craving for stand alone films or stories.

    Watching Ahsoka right now and enjoying it and the way it sits on the franchise.

    Something I’m growing weary of is Star Trek. I’m rather tired of the obsession with prequels and the TOS era and really prefer they tried something new like in the TNG era. I’m not sure how many more times I can tolerate Kirk appearing in SNW.

    • Franchises have always struggled to reconcile the need to reinvent themselves on the one hand, and the need to retain those elements that attract fans to the franchise on the other. As a long-time Star Trek fan I also want the franchise to push forward and try new things (and in some ways recent shows have done so - eg Lower Decks being Trek's first sitcom), but at the same time many fans just want to see the characters that they know and love, hence the obsession with bringing back - or tying new characters to - legacy characters (ala Strange New Worlds or Picard's third season). I wish they'd kept Kirk to the very last episode of Strange New World, and was even a bit disappointed to see the TOS Enterprise appear at the end of the first season of Discovery.

      • a bit disappointed to see the TOS Enterprise appear at the end of the first season of Discovery.

        My memory is that many were to the point where there was some sort of consensus of concern about it loud enough that the show runners made assurances that S2 wouldn’t take place on the enterprise.

        Sentiments have shifted since then, interestingly, to being more accepting of SNW evolving into a hard TOS prequel flirting with rebooting TOS. I can’t help but think it’s an MCU effect.

  • discworld stuff.

    • There's not been enough of that filmed to get tired of it. Everything out's been good to great, but there's so much more there that'd work well on-screen.

    • Discworld has basically a perfect track record with me and it still hit franchise exhaustion. Never read a bad Discworld book and I love Pratchett, but at some point I just subconsciously decided that it was enough. Maybe one day it'll wear off, but I've never felt a desire to finish the series even though I'm more likely to enjoy another Discworld book than a random new author/series.

  • Honestly I'm still enjoying most of the newer Star Wars shows! I was worried that Disney would ruin it entirely for me like they eventually did with Marvel, but I've really enjoyed almost everything that's come out despite that god awful train wreck that was The Rise of Skywalker lol

  • Yes, I do.

    I've grown to the point of exhaustion with Marvel where I wont choose to see anything new on my own. They still make things I enjoy, like Loki, but unless a friend asks me to see it I wont even consider it. This isn't just a superhero or quality thing either. I will still at least consider something by DC even though it has had a far worse track record in terms of me enjoying their output (though it's still at a significant disadvantage).

    Star Wars was a really early example for me starting to lose patience with franchises. As a kid, I devoured Star Wars content. I watched all the movies, read the EU, played the games, excitedly showed up to the theater for Episodes 1 & 2. But in the three years between 2 & 3 I was tired of it, and ended up seeing it after the movie came out on DVD because a friend put it on at their place. This is despite a very high success rate - I liked the EU stuff I was reading, I enjoyed Episode 1 (and to a lesser extent 2), I loved the games. Episode 3 did end up being a miss for me, but I think it might have been the first and it came after my exhaustion with the franchise.

  • The Fast and Furious franchise keeps delivering, I'm really looking forward to 11 and Hobbs and Shaw 2