TIL When Shannon Lucid arrived on Mir space station, the deputy commander noted that fans will be taken care because women love to clean. Also, her male cosmonaut crew mates will be on their best ...
TIL When Shannon Lucid arrived on Mir space station, the deputy commander noted that fans will be taken care because women love to clean. Also, her male cosmonaut crew mates will be on their best ...
NASA astronaut Shannon Lucid faces more than science duties in her historic visit to the Mir space station: The Russians expect she'll help keep the place nice and clean because she's a woman.<br> Gen. Yuri Glazkov, deputy commander of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, said Lucid will…
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The original was posted on /r/todayilearned by /u/ubcstaffer123 on 2024-01-17 18:59:16+00:00.
Original Title: TIL When Shannon Lucid arrived on Mir space station, the deputy commander noted that fans will be taken care because women love to clean. Also, her male cosmonaut crew mates will be on their best behavior and pay more attention to the way they behave, they act and they speak when a lady is on board