TIL that in 2011, 200 paper planes were launched from a weather balloon 23 miles above Germany. The planes were designed to maintain stable flight in gusts up to 100 mph. They were found across Eu...
TIL that in 2011, 200 paper planes were launched from a weather balloon 23 miles above Germany. The planes were designed to maintain stable flight in gusts up to 100 mph. They were found across Eu...
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The original was posted on /r/todayilearned by /u/StretchFrenchTerry on 2024-01-18 03:03:59+00:00.
Original Title: TIL that in 2011, 200 paper planes were launched from a weather balloon 23 miles above Germany. The planes were designed to maintain stable flight in gusts up to 100 mph. They were found across Europe, North America, and even Australia.