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  • In an alternative dimension:

    Facebook: "announces mind reading headset to animate imaginary body parts"

    People: "Nice try, CIA!", "That's big gender propaganda!", "I'm not going to connect my brain to the internet!" "Not guilty, your honor. Facebook made me do it via the headset."

    • To be fair, if Metaverse did integrate something like this they would definitely record telemetry data "for development purposes".

  • This is both freakin rad but also kinda insane, gotta love how far furries / vrchat users will go to make something insane work

  • I'm hella curious how eeg stuff works now, as opposed to the cheap piece of crap I had in the late 90's/early 2000's that worked on the same principal way in it's infancy. Thing I had you could set 3 inputs for and even just recording the right "thoughts" that you sent to trigger them was a PITA, let alone getting it to work while using it in a game or something.