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  • It's a common sight at many retail stores: a queue of people, waiting to use a self-checkout kiosk, doing their best to remain patient as a lone store worker attends to multiple malfunctioning machines. The frustration mounts while a dozen darkened, roped-off and cashier-less tills sit in the background.

    But is it really?

    In a 2021 survey of 1,000 American shoppers, 60% of consumers said they prefer to use self-checkout over a staffed checkout aisle when given the choice, yet 67% of consumers have had the technology fail while trying to use it.

    So this data is already 3 years old? Also, what percentage of consumers have had other tech failures while trying to checkout with a human? I don't know how many times I've had credit card readers not work for a variety of reasons....

    However ubiquitous the technology is, and however much consumers get used to using the kiosks, shoppers are likely to find themselves disappointed and frustrated most of the time.

    Most of the time? And this is backed up with...what?

    This "article" cites a lot of "expert" opinions without much data to corroborate.

  • bad article written by inept radlib PMC karen. this reads like it could have been written by any short-fused, airheaded american who yells at the self-checkout attendant bc they dont understand technology. they blame the machine or the employees for something 90%+ of the customers are able to figure out. this vocal minority of abusive customers should be shot and their small businesses should be redistributed to their employees who also suffer their entitled tantrums

    the real reason this article was written is this line:

    retailers utilising self-checkout technology have loss rates more than twice the industry average

    its easier to steal when using these machines. and even tho retailers are probably saving money by hiring less employees despite increased shrinkage, they hate that people are getting stuff for free. they hate that app slaves and other downtrodden workers can get their ketchup for free instead of working 15 minutes to be able to afford sugared tomato paste.

    these machines are easy to use. nobody but the most inept (who are also wealthy and have a sociopathic sense of entitlement) complain abt this. and dont try to claim its harder for ppl with disabilities, bc its not. its easier for ppl w disabilities bc there are less ppl in the cashier lines