Thousands, including Scholz, join anti-right-wing protests in Germany
Thousands, including Scholz, join anti-right-wing protests in Germany
Thousands, including Scholz, join anti-right-wing protests in Germany
Well, instead of symbolically joining a public protest, maybe Scholz could actually act against the rise of the extreme right, you know, like, not letting people alone with inflation and rising cost of living, or not letting our public infrastructure decay after years of neglect. All just because we are afraid of deficit spending and public debt, to the point where the government is unable to do anything anymore
Not copying the rhetoric of the right might be a good start
You mean like they did for nearly two years before that headline, while constantly losing votes because they wouldn't address the imaginary problem Germans are brain-washed to believe in.
I would have loved to see a proper "we don't have an immigration problem but one of integration"... but then they would be below 5% in the polls already.
That's just a wrong narrative. They have raised the minimum wage, 50% don't have a union contract yet and SPD is to help people on continuing education (who searching for a job), this is nothing the CDU would do. And they have a overweight in the Bundesrat. SPD, FDP and Greens also want a #klimageld. Comes 2025.
And all that in a situation where we support the Ukraine, war in Israel, and with a big dependancy on russian oil which was from Merkel. We're brainwashed, AfD only lies. CDU is reason for a situation with Bahn, Bundeswehr and infrastructure.
And all that after corona.
No, SPD is better then the normal social media consumer is thinking.
SPD, FDP and Greens also want a #klimageld. Comes 2025.
Well, about that...
Weren't that only 40 cents?
Comes 2025.
No it won't. They're saying "we can't do it before 2025", that doesn't mean we'll get it then. 2025 is an election year, so they'll use this carrot again in their campaigns. Lindner basically just admitted this.
The FDP is only a stick in the spokes..... FDP wants Klimageld? I have not heard a more absurd joke this year, they are the ones obstructing it... Literally in the coalition contract but Lindners departement is making sure that the option is available 2025 earliest und just these days he said, that its not clear if the political will to do it before 2027 is there.... Why would the FDP want a Klimageld? Its redistribution in the "wrong" direction
Thank the Supreme Court. Apparently all this, and the impending climate catastrophe are apparently not enough reason to take on some debt.
The Supreme Court didn't say wr can't spend more money, they just said the practice of shifting things around arbitrarily within the budget was illegal. So the government can still get the money they need, they just have to justify it correctly and use appropriate legal mechanisms. In fact, the same court also ruled that the government has to do more to fight climate change
Raise taxes on the rich.
No, thank the GroKo for this asinine debt ceiling. They were told it would lead to choking necessary investments when they implemented it. Karlsruhe can only decide on the rules as written.
you work for a bank, do you?
none of this has anything to do with people deciding to be nazis.
also, germany literally spent and will spend multiple billions on all sorts of important things. funding stuff with more debt just leaves you less next year, plus it's gambling on needing less money next year. if you need more next year, you will have to fund paying back debt with more debt or the whole country will default. only banks like this crap
If I spend 100€ now to avoid 10000€ in damages later, spending more money NOW will actually leave me with LESS debt in the long run. And we just so happen to be in the midst of a global catastrophe where every Euro not spent as early as possible to prevent it will make it infinitely more expensive for us in the long run.
I didn't say that people "just decided" to be nazis and I still wouldn't say that. A major factor is economic inequality (but surely not the only one). The narrative of having to pay back more and more so the budget gets cut more and more is misleading. Debt doesn't work the same way for governments as for a private entity. Paying back interests is easy if the economy is thriving. You can just pay back the old loans with new ones, this is absolutely no problem and governments have been doing this for ages. Absolute debt numbers in € don't mean anything, and debt relative to GDP or federal budget also doesn't say whether the debt can be paid back. We are afraid of possibly/maybe/probably not/whoknows may be in the future and cut spending everywhere. And then we are surprised that people vote for alternative parties
Where is Waldo Olaf?
Because he's always forgetting things...
Thousands surprised the Nazi party with an active, judicially recognized Nazi in leading political position is indeed a Nazi party. Who could've known that politics is so complex.
It would be much better if Scholz et al. would make social policies for people so that right-wingers are not getting (so many) votes at all. "We must start to deport [migrants] on a grande scale," Mr Scholz told the German weekly Der Spiegel last year, and the German government has been discussing the reduction of Germany's unemployment money for some time, just to name two examples. Things like that play into the hands of the AfD and other extremist parties imo.
[Edit typo.]
Now, they have to stop thinking that the free market will regulate everything and stop implementing the myth of the individual.
Wow if only Scholz would lead the government or something so he could actually do shit instead of paying lip service.
SPD is not dumb. They know if a ban for the AfD will fail, they are having even more fun with lies and wrong narratives.