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This Is Getting So Ridiculous. Check Out What the Big Tech Goons Are up to Now. This Is Getting So Ridiculous. Check Out What the Big Tech Goons Are up to Now.

It’s so ridiculous that it would be funny if it weren’t so deadly serious. We thought censorship by Facebook and other social-media companies was bad, but that was only the tip of the iceb...

This Is Getting So Ridiculous. Check Out What the Big Tech Goons Are up to Now.

They’re essentially holding a gun to our head and saying, “Nice little website you’ve got there. It’d be a shame if anything happened to it.”

They’re leaving us with two choices: stop writing about these important topics, or keep on writing about them and lose money.

They think squeezing us financially is how they’ll finally silence us.

The Left doesn’t have good arguments on these topics, so they’re using the immense power they hold over the digital ad industry to shut us up.